Monday, June 15, 2020

Ohn Mar Win and brushes

Just a few words about Ohn Mar Win.

She is from England (I think Vietnamese?) and is what is known as a "surface illustrator," meaning: she illustrates things such as cookbooks, fabrics, etc. She has her own unique pen and wash style, so this blog is for those who love all things pen and wash.

Ohn Mar has a blog, is on instagram, and her web site is She teaches on Skillshare, if you are interested in seeing her there. Her blog covers a lot of art topics, worth a look.

I tried to share some of her work here, but my blog has been bogged down for some reason, and I'm having some difficulties with it.

Also need to mention Escoda brushes, which several students love. They hold a lot of moisture but can come to a thin point for finer details. 

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