Monday, September 5, 2022

Yupo continued

 This used to be the fish picture. I washed it off with soap and water. I used magenta and ultramarine, moved it around the paper to cover it all, then spattered some yellow while it was wet.

I used some bottle lids to create some circles and a jar lid for the moon. I tried running a fork with some paint on it on some parts when partially dry. I wet some string and let it sit on the dried paint for a few minutes.

My very expensive supplies: spray bottle, string, lids, fork. (If you can find the fork, you're amazing)

After it was dry, I lifted out the moon and the figures, using water and absorbing the paint with cotton balls and tissue.

I used a little teal to fill in the moons. For the figures, I used alizarin, yellow, and some teal.
The hair is ultramarine and teal (or turquoise)

I decided to change the way the large figure faced and fix the hair on the little figure.
Just used water on a small brush. 

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