Thursday, December 5, 2024

Wax Batik Snowman pics Plus a surprise

 Results from Student's wax batik

The main supplies used for making corrections (AFTER it was mounted and dry):

Inktense sticks


Bleed-Proof White

Black Pen


All the instructions are in last time's post.

                              Lynn: Didn't require much, just used some dry inktense stick to brighten the tree

Sylvia: wanted to retain as much of the batik look as possible, so mostly
used the side of a white inktense to create extra texture in the sky

Francis: used a little white on the trees, then some inktense sticks (yellow-green) to brighten the trees a little

Sarah decided a city girl needs a city snowman, so made a hint of
city in the background. She used watercolor to clean up some edges around the
snowman face and tree.

David used bleed proof white to get ride of unwanted black lines. He mixed it with some blue WC to create some shadows on the snow. I like the volume in the trees.

Vicki added bleed proof white to the trees plus a little
yellow green intense stick.

Carol did not do the crackle at the end, and the results looks so pretty.
It didn't need much touch up at all.

You can't see it well, but Shirley used a lot of shiny silver
to make it look like snow. That kind of paint doesn't copy well,
but in person it looks very crystal-like.

Jackie kept the background light and pastel, and I love the effect. She used some blue for the crackling, and then made some more blue by running a stick of inktense over the cracks. Still has to put a face on him, but he's looking sweet.


In class I gave everyone a stencil and a unique brush called a blending brush. It allows you to stencil with watercolor without the bleeds. The brush looks like a white sponge but is actually a lot of absorbant hairs.
Card artists use it with stamp pads to blend colors effectively.

Besides getting clean stencils, it is not expensive. Mine are called Yoseng blending brushes.

Jackie Hernandez shows how to use this brush for stenciling:

Thursday, November 21, 2024

 Final Steps in Batik

When the final color is the value you want it to be, dry it all well and put a final coat of wax over the entire piece of rice paper. (see below)

Freeze it for 5 minutes. While it is freezing, mix up some strong color in a separate cup (this is to keep the wax out of your palette.) In the past, I have used a black mixture, but you can also use dark green, blue, violet, or blue.

Remove the painting from the freezer and crumble it up in a ball. This will loosen some of the wax. Shake excess into the trash.

With a stiff (OLD) brush, push some of the dark color into the cracks. You can do all of the page, or you can pick and choose the places you want this dark batik look. In the picture below, you will see black lines in the snow...I'm wishing I'd used some blue instead for a gentler look.


You will need lots of newsprint or paper bags or brown packing paper. Set an iron to a medium setting.
Lay about 3 layers on the bottom, set your picture on the top, then top that with three more layers of paper.
Be sure to cover all the painting. Iron until you see the wax melt onto the paper.
Change the paper and iron again.
Repeat until you see no wax residue coming from your painting.


You can now mount your batik onto a WHITE surface. I usually just use my less expensive watercolor paper (Like Canson XL, Strathmore, etc.). I use Matt medium for the glue, but other glues will work. Just please don't use Elmers school glue.

Next week I am showing how I mount it on a piece of hard panel with a gallery wrap.

Step One:

Prepare the board by brushing on GAC or other prep that will protect the surface from any oils or color in the wood. (If you already have a board primed and gessoed, you don't have to do this) Put two coats of gesso on top of that and dry completely.

Step Two:

Find the center of the painting. Cover the board with Matt medium gel. (IF the painting is large, you may have to do that in stages so it doesn't dry too quickly) Center the painting on the board, and gently smooth out the wrinkles. I usually put a piece of wax paper over the painting and use a brayer to smooth it out. This prevents the paint from coming off onto the brayer and your fingers. 

Dry this completely. When the batik is mounted and dried, you are ready to make any corrections you want to make.

Angela Fehr does a video about mounting on a panel. She shows how to do it with regular WC paper. My steps are similar (she uses a commercial primer first, which replaces the GAC sealant and gesso). Also, with rice paper, I do not seal with wax. I just use a Kamar varnish. 


Any time you want to make corrections, which should be on a dry, mounted paper, try using watercolor first. Sometimes there is a wax residue that resist the watercolor, but often it is fine. Mounting the batik gives the paper some stability and also allows some control over the paint.

If You lost some whites try: white gouache; posca pen; bleed proof white.
If you want a light color over a dark color, you can use gouache, or even pastels.
Other things you can try for small corrections are: watercolor pencils; inktense sticks or pencils; tiny bits of white fluid acrylics; posca pens; black permanent pens; pastels.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Wax Batik Christmas Card

Wax Batik in Watercolor

Watercolor Batik uses wax as a resist, and then it is completely removed at the end.

I learned this method of painting about 12 years ago, and I love it. Each artist, of course, has their own twist on how to do it, what works for her . I love the look, but it takes some preparation. Here are a few that I have done in batik:

Today's project: Snowman Card

"Feed Me"


"It's a Jungle Out Here"

                                                                Bird of Paradise

This time we are doing a simple (about 4 waxes) Christmas Card. If you are just learning the technique, you need to keep it simple, with very few small shapes. Keep the size around 12 inches...much bigger takes a lot more time; smaller makes the shapes so small it is hard to control the wax.


Rice paper, about 30gsm, like ginwashi, kinwashi, or unryu
A wax pot (I use a small skillet) that can be set to temp of 180 to 200
Old brushes that will only be used for waxing
wax paper/butcher paper
water proof pen
brushes and watercolor paints

Before I begin the steps, I want to give some safety measurements and caution.
1. The wax must be kept at 180 to 200 degrees. Cooler, it will clump up. Higher... and you will see it can burn and catch fire. I am using silicon padding underneath it.
SO: please turn it off when not in use. And give the person using it some space.

2. This paper is strong enough when dry, but fragile when wet. ALWAYS keep a backing on it (like the wax paper) when moving it or drying it. Small tears can be repaired, but it's better not to rip it.

3. ONLY USE WAX BRUSHES. They are just brushes designated to be used with wax. Do not use your good brushes. Once you dip a brush in the wax, that is all that brush is good for.

Step One

Draw your sketch and shrink it to about half a sheet of copy paper. You are going to make a "map" of values to show which areas to wax 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
Leave everything that will be white, white on the paper. This is everything that you will wax first, before you paint your first layer.
Color in everything that is the next (light) value with a colored pencil or marker, say blue. This is your second wax...after you paint your first layer, before your 2nd layer of paint.
Color your next value with another colored pencil, say red. That will be your third wax, before you paint a third layer of paint.
Continue until you have all your values a different color.

This "map" is about 4 x 6

Step Two

After you have designed your painting, it should be drawn to the size of the paper you want to use.
Set the sketch underneath the rice paper and trace the picture.
Then use a water-proof fine tip marker to trace over the lines. (You don't HAVE to do this,
but water will wash away your lines, and you might have to redraw if in pencil)

Step Three -  1st WAX

Heat the wax to 180-200 degrees F. NO HIGHER. It can cause a fire.
Use ONLY brushes designated for does not come out.

Set your rice paper sketch on top of the shiny side of the butcher paper. This is to protect the work surface from the wax.
Melt the wax and pick some up with your brush. You have to work quickly, as it dries fast.
Carefully wax all the areas that will remain white. (See all the #1's in the sketch...
The white areas in the colored pencil drawing in step 1)

I also SPATTER wax before painting to get some snowflakes. I ignored the face features and just waxed over the entire face...I'll put the tiny details in later.

Step 4 - PAINT 

Here is one area where I learned differently from some of the videos. I paint everything over with a light value, even if it will eventually be a dark value. In the videos, they paint mostly the areas that are light value. Either way, you next dry the painting completely. I often use a fan to help with this. You can use a hair dryer on LOW only....otherwise the wax can remelt. 

STEP 5 - WAX Again

Look for the areas with a #2 or blue on my map. Wax only these areas next. Then paint a darker value over these areas. (Again, I paint everything, gradually increasing my other values, but you can do just those areas.) Spatter again.

Step 5 - Paint again

Paint everything over with a darker value. You can choose those colors in specific places if you want to.

Repeat wax-paint-dry- cycle until you have the darkest values you want in your picture. 

If your wax gets a bit out of control or you accidentally drip on something unintended, don't get upset. We can fix anything.

Next week:

Finishing the batik/waxing off/mounting/making corrections.

Here are some tutorials you might want to watch:

Kathy George: 2-hour tutorial

(371) Little French Pitcher Batik - Watercolor Lesson with Guest Artist Kathie George - YouTube

Angela Fehr with guest batik artist: 30 min,vid:ChSWOATH9us,st:0

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Watercolor Grounds

 Watercolor Grounds

Grounds are mediums that enable you to paint on substrates--surfaces--that you might not be able to paint watercolor on. They can also change it, add textures, or add background color.

We broke a piece of paper (or some used matte board) into 8 sections, and applied different grounds in 6 of those sections: Titanium White, Light Dimensional, Gold, Buff, Black, and Transparent. The last two spaces were reserved for Textural Medium and Lift Preparation. (see below) Before putting the transparent ground on, we put a mark or picture on the area.

We drew pictures to paint in each section. Here are a few ideas.

We tried painting on each section. Try to use a picture with texture on the dimensional ground.
On the black, use light, paint lightened with white, or iridescent medium. 

Here is an owl done on the dimensional ground.

What I'd like people to notice are three things:

1. The ease of painting on ground
2. Whether or not the paint can be lifted
3. How bright and intense the paint appears.

In the section for lifting Prep, Apply lifting Prep on half the paper.
Paint staining colors in bars--pthalos, purples, or reds. When dry,
try to lift part for on the prep side, and on the untreated side.
Compare how much or how easily it can be be lifted.

On the texture side, just paint a wash and see the kind of texture
it creates. In the picture below, I used gum Arabic on the clouds and
texture medium on the red ground.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Mediums to add to your paint

 Ox Gall, Blending Medium, Gum Arabic, Glycerine, and Granulating Medium

Ox Gall

This is usually part of the formula for your water color paints. It is safe to use with your watercolor brushes. It is designed to improve the flow of your paints. It is considered a wetting agent, dispersant, and surfactant. 

 Use only 3-8 drops in a cup of your clean water. You will most likely need it on paper that is highly sized or heavy (300 lb) which resists water. Here is the most complete information that I have found on ox gall:,sold%20as%20a%20watercolor%20additive.&text=Ox%20gall%20is%20used%20in,aid%20in%20wetting%20your%20paper.

You should experiment with it for fun. You may decide it is super useful or that you just don't need it at all.

Blending medium

This extends the drying time to give your paints a little more time to blend and reduce the hard lines you get when the paint dries before you have time to blend or soften edges. It can be used with your regular brushes, and is used either slightly diluted with water or by itself to wet your paint. You can also wet the paper with it, then immediately paint on top of it.

Blending Medium is useful in a dry or hot climate, where your paper and paints may tend to dry too quickly. Like in the winter when the heater is on and the air tends to be dry. Or en plein air with hot dry temps. It is also helpful when you just need a little more time to work on an area. There are also some papers that absorb the paints too quickly and don't give you time to blend.

Gum Arabic

Because this is part of your watercolor formula, it is safe to use with your brushes. Dilute with water, dip your brush in it, then pick up the paint. It can enhance the brightness of your color, and slightly increase wetting time. You can also use it if your paints have begun to dry and crack.,linseed%20oil%20with%20oil%20paints.

You should not use gum Arabic thickly. It will cause the paints to become brittle.


This is used in so many products, from make-up to candy. I use it to revitalize paints that have begun to dry and crack. Glycerine is a plasticizer, and makes the paint flexible, and sometimes adds to the glow. It serves the same function as adding honey to paint, and makes it creamy and easy to work with. 

While many paints will dry, if they begin to crack, it means they have lost some of its binder and will not spread or adhere to the paper as well as when they were new. I use a dropper with a tiny bit of glycerine to revive them. The video below compares using honey and Glycerine to improve your paint.,vid:YMFxHpUoK3k,st:282

I would also use Glycerine on a cheaper paint that doesn't flow as well as an artist grade paint. 

I have never had Glycerine go bad on me. And it's pretty cheap.

Granulation medium

PAY ATTENTION to this : DO NOT mix your paints that you add granulation to in your palette. You do not want to get it into your other paints, so you need to mix it separately.

Granulation medium is used to cause a non=sedimentary color to granulate. Some paints naturally granulate: burnt sienna, French ultramarine, some other blues. But pthalo blue is smooth and staining, sinking into the grains of the paper. Adding a little granulation to the puddle mixed with paint and water will cause it to separate and create texture. See this Winsor Newton video:

Christmas Cactus project

Today's project is one I've used before, but not to demonstrate the use of mediums. I like it for newcomers especially because it demonstrates several key watercolor concepts:

    Color mixing and blending

    Wet into wet technique


    creating shadow


    limited palette

Choose 3 basic primary paints, a yellow, a red, or a blue

(I chose a medium yellow, magenta, and cerulean, with later addition of French Ultramarine)

I used wet into wet techniques on each stem. On the left stem, I just wet it with plain water, then added blue, then yellow, then magenta, with some blue on the bottom, allowing each color to blend into the next.

With the next stem I used blending medium in the water with the paint.

On another stem I used ox gall with the paint.

And on the last I tried some gum Arabic in the water. 

After it dried, I worked on the pot. I created a puddle of paint - burnt orange--and added granulation medium to it. I washed over the entire pot (using a flat brush) with the granulated paint. On the right side I added some French ultramarine (it is self granulating) to create a bit of shadow, while wet. I dried it completely.

When finished I did the table. I made a puddle of red (non-granulating in most circumstances) and added the medium, just a few drops. I painted the table, then added some blue near the pot to create a shadow.

To finish, I wet the dirt area, dropped in burnt umber, then dropped in French, and while wet, I added salt.

I LIFTED the light around the top of the pot edge. Lifted the vein that goes through the centers of the stems. And then I created a small hard dark on the far right blue leaf to separate the two leaves. I also darkened the shadow beneath the pot and added a thin dark shadow 

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Watercolor mediums: Masking Fluid & other whites

 Masking Fluid

Water colorists depend on the white of the paper for any whites in the painting. 

This is why I began this series of lessons with preserving the white of the paper. 

Not all, but many artists rely on things like masking fluid to protect the whites. Masking fluid comes in several forms, but most are latex based. They are applied, dried, then painted and removed to reveal the saved whites.

I found this very good article that explains most of the points of applying masking:

Jackie Hernandez

Here is a wonderful printable guide from Jackie Hernandez.

Another method for preserving whites is wax. You can rub the side of a white crayon or wax over the surface of the paper, and it leaves a sparkle effect which some use to show light on the ocean.

One method which is not mentioned much is using gum Arabic for soft whites, such as a moon, sun, or clouds.( Gum Arabic is one of the main ingredients in your paint. It is usually the binder for watercolors. So you do not need a special designated brush to apply it) You paint the gum Arabic on the area you wish to save, dry it completely, then paint over it lightly. Over-painting or scrubbing will erase it. Once the paint is dry, you go over the area with water on your brush, then dab it off with a tissue. 

Some people use contact paper to protect areas they want to keep white. But this article is mostly about mediums, so I will just include a link about using contact paper.

We began by taking small - 4x6 or 5x7 -- rectangles of paper and doing an example of each method. I keep a collection of these cards to remind myself what each medium will do. Left side is practicing with mask; right top is gum Arabic.

In a short project to practice these methods, we drew some mountains on a horizon. Cover the mountains with masking. Apply gum Arabic over clouds and sun, let it dry. You can rub some of the foreground with wax.

When masking was dry, I used my finger to rub some of it off to create a bit of texture.

After everything is dry, make a wash for the sky. (for a sunset, wet the sky, start at the top with cobalt blue, then magenta, then yellow, and allow them to blend)

When the sky is dry, use a damp brush to gently remove and blot the gum Arabic, leaving some soft clouds.

clouds before removing gum arabic

after removing gum arabic--note soft edges on clouds and sun

Final painting after painting in foreground grass and stream, and removing masking fluid.

You can remove masking with the sticky side of tape, your finger, or a rubber cement eraser made especially for this. Regular erasers are useless for this.

There are some way to retrieve any whites that have been lost, either through damaged paper or over painting. One of them is Bleed Proof White. It is a lot like gouache, but you can paint over it after it is dry. For larger areas, you can use watercolor ground, which can cover large mistakes. For tiny details, you can use a white gel pen, white ink, or Posca pens (which are acrylic ink.)

The purpose of this series of blogs is to try different mediums and see if they are useful. It is not to make people go out and purchase a lot of stuff they probably don't need, but to prevent that. To weed out what you will really use on your watercolor journey.

When it comes to masking fluid, though, I do use it often enough to suggest that people have some, but to use it intelligently. It's easy and cheap to keep a little wax or contact paper in my kit. As for gum Arabic, I have some, but I don't use it often because I don't really do a lot of cloudy skies, and there are other ways to create that effect if I choose. Gum Arabic is also used to reconstitute dried up paint, create special effects, or to make your own paint with dry pigment.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Results from Cutting Up

Some results from our cut up paintings

This was a fun class. I wanted to post some of the results because they are each so different.

The main focus of this is to look at your paintings in a different light; then reassemble them using the basic elements of art to create focus and unity. You can use color, line, shape, texture, and movement to create harmony in your collage work. 


Vicki's: Still working on it, but it's a great start. She's also used some Brush-O too. I think the center of interest is very effective.

Emily's. Working on making purples More dominant. It has a light spring feel, super fun to look at.

Carol hasn't glued hers down yet. She framed each square with some print scrapbook paper. That was a very effective way to create harmony.  Then used a punch to cut hearts out to bring it all together. Perfect for the granddaughter's room.

Francis---I love the moons pulling it all together with repeated shapes and colors. And it's good to cross over the boundary of each square to add more interest.

Mary: Making a "window" effect. More realistic. Not finished yet,
but a great start. And a good way to take some muted colors and
make them into a picture.

Sylvia's: not finished, but it has a wonderful fall feel. Makes me feel like
I'm camping in the woods.

Judy: Tied a lot together with some gold stenciling. Almost done.

Barb did hers at home. The green dominance and the gold make it very unified
and fun to look at.

Mine--I still have some work to tie it together. Prob going to use some bits of collage. But liking it. Got to break up that black square a bit and find some way to connect things without getting too busy.