Friday, July 1, 2022

More About Wax Batik

 The main instructions for wax batik are found on the May 27, 2021 and June 3, 2021 blogs. Here I'm just adding a few comments.

#1  You can find the mini-skillets on Amazon for about $16 or $17 dollars.

#2  The best way I have found to DRY your batik is on a box fan. Set it upright, carry your wet painted batik on the butcher paper to the back (intake) side of the box fan. Turn on the fan to low or medium, and prop your painting on the back side. The motion of the fan will hold it onto the box fan, and will suck it dry without using any kind of hair dryer. And without tearing your wet rice paper. Remove the butcher paper immediately after setting onto the fan. 

#3 If you are using a hair dryer use only the COOL setting; otherwise it will melt the wax.

#4 After you have removed the wax, look at the painting from both sides. You might decide to flip your painting because you like that better. Below I've shown the original side of the painting, and then the flip side. 

#5 Also, you don't have to add crinkling ink effect. On the one below, I only used it on the rocky hill to create a craggy effect. 


Flip side

My original Sun Bonnet Sue

Her new companion, Overall Sam

Jackie's Sail Boats

Judy's Poppies

Shirley's Sail Boats

Grace's Koi Pond

Sailboat reference was provided by Margaret, thank you!