Thursday, April 25, 2019

Elements of Art/Principles of Design

I hesitated to post this, because it looks kind of boring. But if you want to know a little more about elements and principles of art, there are a few youtubes I found helpful. Confusing at times, but helpful.

Here are a few youtubes you might try to learn a little more about the elements and principles of art and design. If you look at enough stuff, you'll notice that not all educators agree on the exact principles and even elements. Often it depends on the audience, whether it is for design classes, fashion, engineering, architecture, etc.  ALL element lists, however, have line, shape, (some include form with shape, some make them separate), texture, value, space, and color. Some add point, size, or direction.

Principle lists vary more. Most include emphasis, movement, unity, balance, pattern (or repetition), contrast.  They may add proportion, harmony, rhythm, or other properties.

Elements of Art and Principles of Design
This is nearly an hour long, but a simple but thorough exploration

Below is a 31-minute power point. You will notice that they include "point" as an element of design,
which is not true of most lists of elementss of design. However, this is a power point with engineering students in mind.

Similar but 7 minutes: principles of design

a great 2-minute synopsis

The one below breaks it down into only 5 principles , but includes some of the others usually included (such as repetition, gradation, contrast, radiation) as sub-principles of rhythm. It includes unity as part of harmony. It's only about 7 minutes long.

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