Monday, June 15, 2020


This will be brief. I stumbled on this ten minute youtube from an Aussie artist about the
best drawing advice he's ever had. But really, it's not just about art, but about life.

Some of you will watch it and say, "I knew that," and nod your heads in agreement.
For others it will be a bit of a self-revelation about what holds you back. The blogger is
called "struthless."

To sum it up, he asked an accomplished artist why he wasn't getting anywhere. The artist (Mark Schattner) told him he was too scattered. His advice was to pick one thing and draw it every day. See what evolved from that.

I loved his 4 points:

1. Quantity leads to quality ("laying a single brick for a million houses won't build a mansion" but, building a million bricks into one house will)
2. doing something specific promotes constraints for creativity (fighting the White Page)
3. Actions comes BEFORE motivation
4. Thinking is not doing--it can be a form of procrastination that leads to nothing accomplished.
   (check out his donkey story)

I don't usually read comments, but so many others liked this video, that it led me to include several quotes:

“I am not afraid of a person who has practiced 10,000 kicks, but I am afraid of a person who knows one kick but practices it for 10,000 times.” - Bruce Lee

We also protect the ideas in our head because they're perfect in there. Complete, owned and most importantly un-criticized.

This reminds me of a quote from Chuck Close that goes something like, "every good idea I've had grew out of the work itself. Inspiration is for amateurs."

do the same thing every single day- that sounds exactly like learning a martial art - chinese proverb: "talk does not cook rice"

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