Sunday, November 22, 2020


Lately I've been fascinated with painting snow globes. I wanted to see what I could create. So I started with putting a picture of my house in it. The first one I did I put a black background on. The second one, I didn't. On the third, with the kitten, I wanted to paint something for my youngest granddaughter, who is obsessed with kitties, but can't have one bc of her mom's allergies.

The black background was easily done with black wc ground.

Messing with the base for the globe.

Made the base look like Santa's body just for fun. 

My house.

Just start by tracing over a round lid. Size of lid depends on size of paper. I used a cottage cheese lid on a 7 x 10 piece of paper; a smaller one for a 5 x 7 card. Then draw a base. You don't even need to draw a base if you want it to look like a glass globe ball on a tree.

Here are some fun youtubes to give you some instruction on painting them.

cute little bear in a globe

a winter tree scene

The only supply that was not my normal watercolors was white gouache to sprinkle on the snow at the end. I also used black ground on one of them, but you can use black watercolor, gouache, or acrylic for a dense, flat look. 


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