Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Starting a new batik: Bird of Paradise

Here is the beginning of the Bird of Paradise in batik. The paper is kinwashi rice paper 25 gsm

Instead of showing all of the map, I'm taking it a step at a time.

In the following picture, I have waxed off everything I want to remain white, and begun to paint yellows where I want them to be. I am also showing how large a brush I am using to PAINT (not wax) the values onto the rice paper. After I got the yellows where I want them to be, I painted in a light value of other colors all around the paper. 

Below shows a map of how I started. The pink represents the whites that were my first wax. The green represents my lightest values, which I waxed off second.

This shows what it looks like after the first values were painted on.

Below you see where I waxed off second and then painted my next darker value. Just for this 
picture, I concentrated on getting the yellows and oranges correct. Yes, the background colors will mix in with the yellows, but it makes a good effect at the end.

TIP: If you have accidentally gone too dark too soon, wax off any shapes that are already 
the value you want them to be. (RE: if you are only on value 3 on your map, but you've made a shape
darker, go ahead and wax it off)

Here is a value map, showing in orange where I will wax off next.

I continued this process until all the values were where I wanted them to be. The last wax is the dark
stem and "beak" underneath the yellow crown. Then I painted the background darker than that.
At this point, I am ready to do the final steps. 

skip the following and go to the last step of removing the wax.


In these steps, you will wax over the entire picture.
Freeze it for a few minutes.
Crackle the wax over a trash can, and brush off all the  crumbs. You should be left with a lot of wax on the paper with lots of cracks in between.
brush black in between the cracks to get the all-over black lines. You can be picky
about where you put the black. For example, in the picture of the lighthouse, I only
put it over the foreground hill.


You will need an iron and LOTS of newspaper.

Make layers of newspaper and sandwich the painting inside.
Iron over the top layer of newspaper until you see the wax saturate the paper.
Use clean newspaper and do the process over again.
Do this until you see no wax bleed through and all the wax is off the painting.

ADHERE THE PAINTING to a white surface. This can be a piece of inexpensive
heavy weight watercolor paper, canvas, cradle board, etc. It needs to be white.

Other blogs about wax batik:

More suggestions about batik

beginning a simple batik

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