Thursday, June 18, 2009

Student Trees

Here is some student work for this beginner lesson on trees.

We began by learning to sketch a tree "skeleton" on graph paper. They learned to compare the dimensions of the height with the width and other important parts of the tree. I like to use graph paper when they are first learning to draw so they can make quick size comparisons.

They transferred the pictures onto wc paper. Then they sponged yellow all over the outline of the leaf portion. Next came a sponging of orange for TB, green for Emily and Felicity, then a final sponge of a darker color. Feicity used salt on her leaves to create some texture.

After drying the leaves they painted the trunk and limbs. I had them wet the paper first, add some burnt sienna, and darken around the edges with blue to give the trunk a rounded appearance.

I encouraged the students to choose some item that would tell the viewer the size of their trees. TB drew in a squirrel, park bench, and lamppost and road. FL drew in a park bench and a sign and grass in the foreground. Emily opted not to add anything.

Here are some web sites that might help in learning about sketching trees.

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