Sunday, September 1, 2019

Finishing the Elephant: Grisaille method

AFTER PLANNING THIS PAINTING, I decided to try it using the grisaille method. For the gray, I used Daniel Smith's Neutral Tint on 300 lb Arches cold press. 
Remember, in grisailles, you paint the values first in either gray tones or burnt umber.

Just beginning to apply the gray values.

Finished the values with Neutral Tint. Anything I want pure color I left white. I actually liked the black and white so much, I almost didn't put color on it. I did miskit some rough hairs on the back of the front elephant. 

First a wash on the rocks with some raw sienna

A warm background with azo yellow and quin coral. Also painted some salmon color on the trunk and body. (salmon made with azo, quin coral, and raw sienna)

Finished with some blues on the foreground elephant and the water. Added some greens in the background and some more shadow on the rocks. Removed the miskit. 

Normally, your warm colors will come forward. But since this is a warm dominated painting, using the cool blue grays against the warm brings it forward, especially since it is harder edged and has more detail. 

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